Rachel Carson, a celebrated American conservationist, wrote perhaps one of the most influential pieces of literature of the 20th century, Silent Spring in 1962. Her maxim, “In nature, nothing exists a...
02.02.2025 Dawn.comA rendering of an aerial view of Arts Landing, a new outdoor civic space envisioned by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust in Downtown Pittsburgh. A new outdoor civic space in Downtown Pittsburgh will creat...
02.06.2025 Triblive.com and 1 sitesPhoto by Markus Winkler on Pexels. com This post is about current events. You don’t have to read it. Please consider your blood pressure and focus on things you enjoy. Do you want to know why we have ...
02.07.2025 Wheatandtares.orgThe Strathmore Bird Sanctuary Initiative presented its opposition to the announced Eagle Heights development. The group gave a presentation to Strathmore Town Council at their meeting on Wednesday (Fe...
02.07.2025 Strathmorenow.comOne of the jobs I always enjoyed as a game protector for the Division of Wildlife was placing and maintaining wood duck nesting boxes. Some were made of wood while many were constructed from what appeared to be old fiberglass water softener tanks or boating buoys. While pounding posts and lugging the boxes was some work, my favorite times were inspecting them to help gauge nesting success. This involved either canoeing or wading out and counting the egg shell fragments and membranes after the yo...
02.06.2025 Farmanddairy.comPittsburgh Cultural Trust is developing a multi-faceted public space-park in Downtown Pittsburgh (' 'Asset for the people: ' Pittsburgh Cultural Trust unveils name, more details of Eighth Street block...
02.07.2025 Urbanplacesandspaces.blogspot.com