In his debut address to the United Nations General Assembly, Argentine President Javier Milei delivered a speech that raised eyebrows for its striking resemblance to a key scene from the popular TV sh...
10.04.2024 and 1 sitesThis post was originally published on this site In tyrannical societies, the state uses its monopoly of violence to dictate what citizens are permitted to say, activities they are permitted to engage ...
10.03.2024 and 1 sitesAs Murray Rothbard often noted, freedom of association is a fundamental right, what he called a “subset of private property rights. ” Unfortunately, our modern cancel culture has taken aim at this rig...
10.08.2024 Beforeitsnews.comDonald Trump has publicly pledged to save Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road creator, as he begins his 12th year in prison Ulbricht, who has been imprisoned since 2013, received a controversial sentence of ...
10.05.2024 Bitcoininsider.orgby Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell : Most readers of my weekly column already favor a libertarian society, with either a strictly limited government or no government at all. They realize what a disaster the state has been. What are the philosophical foundations of this outlook? There are many possible answers, but in this column, I’m going to discuss three of the most important of these, the way Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe address this issue. I’m not going to take a stan...