All Times Eastern. PBS programming varies regionally. Thursday, Dec. 5 Frosty the Snowman NBC, 8: 30pm This classic animated musical special, a longtime CBS staple, returns on a new network. Jimmy Dur...
12.05.2024 and 1 sitesBy Paul Goldfinger, Photography editor @Blogfinger While we are on the subject of still photographers working on images of actors and scenes while a film is being shot, undoubtedly the most famous of ...
12.03.2024 Blogfinger.netOver the years, dozens of movies and television miniseries have been produced about World War II in Europe and the Pacific, but only a handful touch upon the event that thrust the United States into t...
12.06.2024 Spokesman.comBorn 1936 in Los Angeles, California, American actress Susan Kohner played Sarah Jane, a young African-American woman, in Imitation of Life (1959), for which she was nominated for an Oscar as Best Sup...