A movie adaptation of Blood on Snow has major stars attached. The project is based on the 2015 crime novel of the same name by Norwegian author Jo Nesbø, which was the first installment of the Olav Jo...
09.04.2024 Screenrant.com and 1 sitesThe Snowman , a terrifying thriller based on the novel by Jo Nesbø is being released on Oct 19th . A sociopath who calls himself “The Snowman Killer” has targeted the one person for whom he wants to s...
09.10.2024 Fsm-media.comHe took a break from writing, making music with his band and partly from bouldering, which is his big hobby. Jo Nesbø (62) (whose name is pronounced phonetically ‘ju nesbe’) came to Prague to present ...
09.10.2024 Archyworldys.comCrime thriller writer Jo Nesbø is a famous Norwegian writer whose works have been adapted as either movies or TV shows. From The Snowman (2017), The Hanging Sun , and The Headhunters , it is clear tha...
09.06.2024 Bookstr.comIcelandic speculative fiction in translation has begun to make its mark on the Anglophone literary world, especially in the realm of horror fiction. Since 2012, English-language readers have been able to enjoy novels and stories by such Icelandic authors as Andri Snær Magnason, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Sjón, Steinar Bragi, Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson, and now Hildur Knútsdóttir. Thanks, as well, to the 2023 anthology Nordic Visions , Anglophone readers can get an even better sense of the range of Nor...
09.04.2024 Strangehorizons.com