‘Films are not dated. They are a reflection of the era in which they were made’ … David Stratton at his desk at home in the Blue Mountains, NSW. Photograph: Jessica Hromas/The Guardian David Stratton’...
11.04.2024 Theguardian.com and 2 sitesInspired by the shoes worn by ballet dancers, ballet flats, ballet pumps and ballerinas have long been considered a major fashion staple. While the shoe’s basic shape doesn’t vary all that much, brand...
11.03.2024 Thestar.com.myJust as St Ives in Cornwall is known as the ‘art Mecca of the South West’, Saint Paul de Vence is considered the Cote d’Azur’s ‘Terre de Creation’ – or creative stronghold – thanks to the role it play...
11.01.2024 Allusanewshub.comElsa Barraine , in 1940. ” sizes=”(min-width: 1024px) 556px, 100vw” width=”664″ height=”443″/> Elsa Barraine, in 1940. STOCK PHOTO BY ALAMY ARTE. TV – ON DEMAND – CONCERT In a photographic portrait, E...
10.31.2024 Archyworldys.comWhen Terrorvision frontman Tony Wright is asked how it feels for his band to be releasing their first album in 13 years, there’s a note of triumph in his voice when he replies: “How does it feel? It just feels right. Tempus fugit [Latin for ‘time flies’] and all that. ” Classic Rock is talking to Wright over Zoom. Back in the 1990s, the interview might have been conducted around a record company boardroom table, or in a posh hotel or swish bar in a foreign country. In those days Terrorvision wer...
11.05.2024 Loudersound.com