Your college major doesn't always determine the future of your career . In fact, plenty of people wind up never using their degrees at all. Here are 14 celebs who attended medical, law, or dental scho...
09.17.2024 and 1 sitesThe timeless appeal of Monty Python's Flying Circus is something Eric Idle cannot explain. Five decades on, on the eve of his latest Australian tour, its popularity still surprises him. 'I've never ac...
09.14.2024 and 2 sitesThe timeless appeal of Monty Python's Flying Circus is something Eric Idle cannot explain. Five decades on, on the eve of his latest Australian tour, its popularity still surprises him. 'I've never ac...
09.14.2024 Python fans could do a lot worse than backing Romani Ite Domum at Sandown on Wednesday. Romani Ite Domum, Latin for 'Romans go home', is the central phrase of an iconic scene between actors John...
09.16.2024 it's a funny old place, as these sketches prove. From working class playwrights to punning Underground employees to gullible poshos, here's our roundup of the best comedy sketches set in London. Working class playwright: Monty Python 'Hampstead wasn't good enough for you, was it? You had to go poncing off to Barnsley, you and your coal mining friends! ' A good deal of the Pythons sketches were filmed in London, but this is the best send-up of the team's own luvvy London lifestyles — star...