The new Sky Atlantic show, Dune : Prophecy has earned the lowest audience score in the history of the sci-fi franchise after only three episodes. The series, which began on 18 November, stars Emily Wa...
12.03.2024 , House Harkonnen home world in Dune: Prophecy is different from the black-and-white world of Giedi Prime shown in Denis Villeneuve's movies. The Harkonnens are the central antagonists of Frank Herb...
12.05.2024 Screenrant.comLOS ANGELES, USA – “The paycheck, ” quipped Travis Fimmel when asked in a recent video interview what made him sign up as Desmond Hart in Dune: Prophecy , the original drama series now streaming on HB...
12.07.2024 Rappler.comWhy aren’t there guns in Dune? Frank Herbert’s classic science fiction novel, Dune, has captivated readers for decades with its intricate world-building, complex characters, and thought-provoking them...
12.04.2024 Militarymodelling.comTo celebrate the release of Dune: Prophecy , which continues to air on HBO and Sky Atlantic, we had the pleasure of chatting to the cast of the show and much more in between. Chatting to Emily Watson, Jessica Barden, Olivia Williams, Travis Fimmel, Chris Mason, Jodhi May and Sarah Sofie Boussnina, we talk about the impact of the books and Frank Herbert, the lure of the scale and scope of the world and story, the characters and their intricacies, how the show differs from the films, the fandom an...
12.08.2024 Heyuguys.comIs there anything more compelling than being a diehard progressive metal fan? After all, the clue is in the name: this is a genre that, for decades, has refused to sit still, and every year its artist...
12.06.2024 Loudersound.comDo you hear that? It’s the sound of another epic sci-fi franchise busting its way onto the streaming scene just in time for the holidays, and it’s a doozy: Dune: Prophecy, the prequel series to the on...
12.05.2024| (HT: TRex) Welcome to the prestigious, internationally acclaimed, stately, and illustrious Sunday Morning Book Thread! The place where all readers are welcome, regardless of whatever guilty pleasure...
12.08.2024 Mu.nuWith HBO show Dune: Prophecy topping streaming charts, Hollywood actor Mark Strong who plays the role of Emperor Javicco Corrino, recently spoke about the Dune universe and how similar the political f...